We Aspire to Transport Safely Your Projects

Project transportation, also known as project transportation or project logistics, is the process of transporting large, complex and high-value pieces of equipment that can move by land, sea or air. This process may include single or multiple shipments by means of cranes, trucks, rail, airplanes and ships. Besides, it is necessary to adhere to a certain time frame in the project transportation processes, all factors that may delay the process should be planned and prevented in advance. This makes shipments one of the most complex and elaborate projects in the entire logistics industry.

What is Project Transportation?

Project transportation refers to national-global transportation or large, bulky, heavy, oversized cargo, equipment with high-value and parts designed for a particular project. This service, also called project logistics or project cargo, includes shipments of different components that need to be disassembled for shipment and reassembly after delivery.

Oden Logistics, with its years of transportation experience, wide transportation network and transportation diversity, provides project transportation services in the shipping of cargoes at national and international level.

How is Project Transportation done?

Project cargoes can be supplied as international transportation or from a single location. This type of cargo is mostly preferred in the engineering, wind power, mining and construction sectors. This transportation type requires a detailed engineering procedure in order to be transported safely and also to stay within the determined budget limits and deadlines.

A single or several different vehicles may be used to transit from location A to location B or to various locations over a given period of time.  This type of project requires taking into consideration every detail during the transport of cargo.

Therefore, a pre-planning process is crucial for efficient operations. You can acquire efficiency, eliminate risks and reduce costs by Oden Logistics in such complex cargo operations.

This type of cargo needs special transport modes, thus it is called “Project Cargo” or “Heavy Duty Cargo”. The demand for this transport system, which has unique designs to meet safety requirements and ensure efficiency during operations, is increasing day by day.

Different types of cargo are transported under different ways and climatic conditions. Therefore, meticulous preparation should be done in order to ensure safe operations. Flatbed trucks are not helpful in such applications when the roads to the destination are not straight. Even if a flatbed truck is to be used, how long will it take?

By considering such factors, a special transportation vehicle should be put into use. There are some issues that should be considered especially before the goods leave from the point of delivery.

  • Preparation of the road to the goal is made.
  • Check their width and the presence of structures such as bridges along the road.
  • Decide whether the road will be widened or not by changing generally the location of the electricity poles within the scope of project transportation,  
  • Road survey plays a critical role in project transports. After all the planning is done, the necessary road permits are obtained by the state and other official authorities depending on the route.

Oden Logistics carries out all the projects of its customers in a comprehensive, detailed and meticulous manner, ensures efficient use of time and the necessary security.

Project Transportation Processes

Considering the project transportation processes, they can be listed under six main topics. These topics are;

  • Preparation phase,
  • Analysis phase,
  • Design phase,
  • Planning phase,
  • Control phase,
  • Results phase.

Within the context of the preparation phase, physical conditions are evaluated by being based on the load and transportation process, and it is decided to be the most appropriate method within the legal and technical frameworks depending on these conditions. For some projects, more than one vehicle may be needed. At such points, engineering knowledge is required to determine how many vehicles are needed within the scope of a project.

In the analysis phase, what the vehicles should be, how many they should be and the process of supplying the auxiliary tools/equipment that may be required during the project transportation operation are determined. This phase is an important stage focusing on the details.

Design phase is the stage where the outline of the operation phase is determined. Each stage requires a separate care, and it is also extremely important to determine the main lines perfectly during the design phase.

Planning phase is the stage where details and baselines are blended. Getting approval of the route and road permits that are considered the most suitable for the location where the projects go and providing the necessary equipment/tools are the basic processes, these constitute the planning phase.

The loading of the projects to the vehicle is carried out in the implementation phase. It is extremely important to carefully place the projects. This is accomplished with professional teamwork. The business follow-up reports are carried out by expert hands as complementary parts of this process after the customs, insurance transactions, the discovery of the control points on the route where the project is transported. Within the scope of project transportation, the unloading of loads is considered as part of the implementation process. After the equipment and tools needed for the unloading of the project are ready for use, the unloading of the load is carried out.

As its name signifies, the control phase is the analysis of results, which is meticulously carried out in each project. Controls are made and the data is evaluated together with the customer for the result. When all stages are put into action with discipline and the implementation stage is carried out flawlessly, the end point is successfully completed; it ensures customer satisfaction.

Realizing project transportation with a solution-oriented approach in the face of quality service and possible problems shows the quality standards and experiences of the logistics company. It is necessary and important to be processed completely  and to be followed up smoothly by other stages.

Oden Logistics focuses on the satisfaction and demands of its customers, and blends its fair and solution-oriented approaches with quality service. Oden Logistics adopts high customer satisfaction as a principle with the superior service it provides in the field of project transportation with its principles.

Things To Be Checked in Project Transportation

Project cargoes are not like conventional cargo types. It is in need of individual transportation planning. There is no standardization in these cargo types and therefore each cargo should be treated as a separate case and a specific solution planning is needed.

In most cases, the cargo is very large and cannot be divided into various services. Transport must be made from one point to another and then taken to the desired location for setup. It is very important to make a plan about the time taken for the manufacture and construction of the project load.

The freight service shipping process is crucial to ensure that especially heavy loads, heavy bulky bulk cargoes and equipment to be transported are valued and repurposed. Otherwise, it is useless if it cannot reach the desired place under favorable conditions. Therefore, it's important to inclusively check everything, including how it will be handled throughout the process.

Handling of Project Load

Handling of project load is a difficult and complex procedure requiring the services of companies specializing in the transport field.

There are certain key members of the project load that must be included for each transport procedure. Some of the crew who are assigned to the project have specific tasks they must perform.

The officer who is responsible for loading the cargo is also responsible for the procedure, and should thoroughly check and review the actual situation. In addition, crane operators and the person operating the ballast system are expected to operate and manage the situation. Much preparation must be made for the loading process in order not to damage the cargo and the transport platform.

Project must be secured for transport. A very important issue to be considered in project cargo transportation is to ensure safety and workflow during the loading procedure. Cargo must be well secured to prevent fatalities causing loss of vehicle, life, cargo or even serious environmental hazards.

Project cargoes are complex and costly, so it means they cannot be easily retrieved from a warehouse. In most cases, a heavy-duty shipment is a privatized order that takes a long time to produce. Its production can take months or even years. Any minor damage can cause serious problems for all involved parties. Therefore, teamwork is very important. A flexible and highly motivated group of people is needed to handle critical situations well and quickly in the transport process.

Project Transportation Service

A number of factors must be considered for oversized cargo. In this case, it is important to work with logistics companies that specialize in heavy-duty handling for the successful transport of critical and high-value items. Special attention is required throughout the process for the project cargo.

There must be careful consideration and a detailed plan for how operations are conducted, because the costs can be very high if the cargo is lost or damaged.

All measures should be taken to ensure an effective solution that fulfills the needs of your project by the logistics company. Oden Logistics provides services with its wide transportation network and experienced field teams, and solves effectively your transportation needs.

Project Transportation Firms

The principles of the companies engaged in project transportation are to deliver the loads that are above a standard weight or size to the desired location safely and in the most ideal time, in line with the wishes of the customer/customers.

Project transportation has its own transportation methods and for this reason, it is important to choose a company that is experienced, expert in its job and stands out with the quality of service it offers in the logistics field.

An expert logistics company provides high efficiency and safe transportation by ensuring protection against all problems and risks that may be experienced on the route.

Another important point we should mention is that time saving is undeniably an important matter among the advantages of transportation. Oden Logistics conquers all ways by achieving perfect service in time management.

As the solution partner of our customers, we have aimed to meet the demands of our customers with the most innovative methods, to evaluate all the positive or negative feedbacks of our customers in order to improve our services and to provide better services, to comply with all relevant sectoral, national and international legislation and laws as our basic principle.

We do the right thing, keep our word, and transport confidently.

ODEN LOGISTICS INC. follows a customer-oriented approach where customers can easily convey their demands and dissatisfaction, are handled objectively, fairly, carefully and confidentially, and the necessary improvements and controls are constantly made to prevent similar dissatisfaction from occurring again.

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