There are different certificates such as EUR.1 movement certificate and A.TR movement certificate in import and export transactions. Each movement document has a specific use. Also, each document has different usage areas in export transactions to different countries. A.TR is generally used in trade transactions within the framework of the Customs Union. The EUR.1 movement document is used to carry out different commercial transactions in countries such as the European Union, EFTA or Turkey. 

EUR.1 is the movement certificate used in international trade agreements or transactions to show the information about the country of origin of the goods. In other words it is a kind of certificate of origin. 

For EFTA countries, the EUR.1 movement certificate is used in all export transactions, in the export of iron and steel products in EU countries, and in export transactions to be made with countries with which free trade agreements are signed in Turkey. In Turkey, the EUR.1 certificate is also required for the trade of agricultural products to EU countries.

The EUR.1 certificate can be issued with various countries by evaluating the goods in free circulation within the scope of the Customs Union and by accepting the same rules of origin between Turkey and the Community, customs duties and the provisions prohibiting the exemption of these products. In order to issue the EUR.1 movement certificate, the certificate of origin of the goods in the export process must be present. At this point, the supplier's declaration is required to prove the origin.

Where to Get EUR.1 Movement Certificate?

The exporting companies themselves issue the EUR.1 certificate. For this reason, the document should be filled by the relevant managers and units of the exporting company. After the document is filled in completely and correctly, the document should be approved by applying to the offices of the customs administrations or authorized chambers. In addition to the EUR. 1 certificate, the customs office also requires documents proving the origin of the goods subject to export in the process of approval of the document.

All fields in the form must be filled in correctly and completely. Incomplete or incorrect filling of the document can cause many financial losses.

What are the Differences Between A.TR and EUR.1?

Even though A.TR and EUR.1 certificates are transaction documents, there are big differences between their intended use. A.TR is used by the Council of Ministers to enable the goods put into free circulation within the framework of Turkey and the Community. A.TR movement certificate can be issued by customs administrations or other institutions authorized by these administrations. A.TR movement certificate is issued to show that the goods are in free circulation. The information of the country of origin of the goods is not included in the A.TR certificate.

On the other hand, the EUR.1 document, unlike the A.TR document, is not paperwork that can be used directly in the free movement of goods or to benefit from preferential trade. The EUR.1 certificate is used to prove the country of origin of the goods involved in the import process. The EUR.1 certificate is valid for determining the customs duties of the countries or the customs practices in which the goods will be included in case the goods are included in the exportation to another country other than the country of origin.

How to Fill EUR.1 Form?

When filling out documents, the examples used by companies that start importing during document issuance and the guidelines explaining what to pay attention to are very important. Errors and missing information while filling out the EUR.1 certificate will prolong the approval process. This means that imports are prolonged. It will be much more useful for companies that have just started exporting to examine the EUR.1 document sample and fill in the document. The files, which are filled in accordance with the request of the Customs Administration, ensure that your trade proceeds more smoothly.

The steps to be followed while filling out the EUR.1 form are as follows;

In Part 1, the full address, country and registered title of the exporter should be written.

In Part 2, it is stated which countries the certificates to be used in preferential trade.

Part 3 states the official registered title, country and full address of the exporter.

In Part 4, the information of the country of origin of the products subject to export is specified.

Part 5 includes the country of destination of the products.

Part 6 contains information on the transportation methods of the products. In addition, all the details of the transport should be given. Transportation methods must be specified.

Part 7 is filled and approved by the chamber where the document was approved. For this reason, this section should not be filled by the company.

Part 8 contains all the information such as the serial number, brand, name, type, packaging of the goods subject to export. In this section, information about the country of origin of the products should not be given.

In Part 9, the gross weight of the exported products is written.

Part 10 has the invoice information of the export. This part is optional to fill.

Part 11 must be filled in when the document is approved by the Customs.

Part 12 includes the stamp of the exporting company and the signature of the authorized person. In addition, the date of filling of the form should be specified.

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