For countries engaged in foreign trade, the contract is important, as well as the freighting of goods. Maximum care should be taken when freighting goods, especially those that will be transported by sea. The container freighting method is a transportation that is often preferred both by sea and by road. Because the damage rate of the goods during container freighting is quite low. Container freighting is not a uniform method. Freighting may vary depending on the type of goods to be transported. 

According to the agreement concluded between the parties, the rules of freighting and dropping rules may differ from each other, considering the preferred mode of shipment. For example, when freighting containers in maritime trade, the tonnage, volume of freight LCL and FCL attract attention as extremely important considerations. LCL is popularly known as partial transportation, FCL gives the meaning of full freight.  

To answer the question of how to do container freighting, the container size must first be considered. According to the size of the container, optimal conditions are created for the goods at the initial freighting area at the port, after which freighting takes place. The most critical point to pay attention to when freighting containers is that there should be no freighting above the container capacity. You can get detailed information by contacting our professional team through our company, which has announced its name in the container transportation sector and offers quality services. 

What Is Container Stacking and How Is Container Freighting Done? 

Container stacking is defined as the most painstaking and convenient placement of predetermined goods in a container. The word meaning of the stack comes across as a stack of different goods. The word stacking is widely used in the field of logistics as a term. LCL, in the partial method of transportation, it is the filling of the container with different goods from each other. 

It is aimed to minimize the risk of damage to the goods during container freighting. During container freighting, the goods are carefully and systematically placed in the container. When freighting goods into containers, some auxiliary materials, and tools such as pallets, forklifts are used. When the goods are to be freighted into the container, they must be fastened up to the bottom, side and back of the container. The use of ropes to increase the safety of goods after the freight is fastened up is also quite common. One of the most important points to be considered when freighting containers is that the doors can be closed easily and then the door is sealed. 

The variety of containers paves the way for the most convenient transportation for companies. Special designed containers are also available according to the type and size of the cargo. It is extremely important to have information when carrying out container transportation. You can contact our company, which provides the most attentive and convenient transportation service for the safety of goods. Thus, the goods can be transported from one place to another with the safest transportation. You can visit our company, which stands out with its experience in the container transportation sector. 

What Are the Materials Used When Freighting Containers? 

When freighting containers, different and highly functional materials are used from each other. The variety and functionality of the materials used is especially important for the safety of the goods. Pipes, bars, steel plates and profiles are widely preferred when transporting in foreign trade. But when using these materials, it should be noted whether they comply with international standards. At the same time, the sizes of the materials used should also correspond to the goods. 

The tools used in the logistics sector are extremely diverse. For example; 

  • Ramps 
  • Forklifts  
  • Trucks 
  • Diverse types of packaging from each other 
  • Ropes 
  • Chains 
  • Linings are some of the tools used in this industry. 

When transporting textile products, the suspended load transportation method is more prominent. Barrels are used when transporting liquid loads. Some products and carpets used in the construction sector are loaded into containers in the form of rolls and the most correct steps are taken in the name of safe transportation. The buyer or seller must make a choice of loading material, considering the type of cargo. The most correct material chosen for the load and the method of loading are highly effective in reliable transportation of goods.  

What Are the Types of Container Freighting?  

The types of container loading are extremely numerous today. Let us examine the types of loading, which are diversified for the purpose of safety of goods; 

  1. Packages: Although small products usually come to mind when it comes to packaging, it should be remembered that container loading is also called packaging. 
  2. Barrels: The barrel transport method is often preferred in fluid products. Liquid products must be loaded into the container extremely carefully when transporting them by barrel. Barrels are known as the safest and most common method of transporting liquid goods. 
  3. Boxes and Cardboards:  The goods wrapped around with boxes and cardboards are protected in every sense. There is an exceptionally low probability of damage to the products when these materials are used. High protection is provided, especially when the goods that may break are placed in boxes.  
  4. Crates: Crates are designed in a unique way according to the type and size of the goods. Most often, crates come to the fore when transporting goods that weigh a lot of weight. The trunks are fixed with the help of rope-style materials when loading into the container. 
  5. Bags: It is seen that more products such as coffee and cocoa are transported in bags. This is because these products are transported more conveniently with bags, as well as hygiene conditions are at an elevated level. It is extremely important to choose bags of suitable sizes for products. Thanks to the bags, these products, which are prone to spilling, can be conveniently transported without spilling over long distances. 
  6. Plastic Wrap: The first choice when the coating is to be made is the plastic wrap. The plastic wrap wraps the product completely and prevents it from being damaged during transportation.  
  7. Roll: Most often, rolls are used when transporting carpets, rugs, and related products. A safe transportation environment can be created by selecting the rolls that best match the size and shape of these products. Rolls can be conveniently transported both horizontally and vertically. 
  8. Linings: It is a kind of pouch material that is mostly used for transporting products in the grain group. When fixing the linings to the container, they must be attached from the ends to the wall. But linings are most often preferred when the weather conditions are good. Because they have low resistance to adverse weather conditions. 
  9. Rollers: These materials stand out more at the point of fixing. At the same time, we can say that rollers are also used when pulling weight during loading. 

You can get support for safe container transportation by contacting us through our company. As a result of our experience in this field, we aim to provide you with the highest quality service. You can contact us to have detailed information about container transportation and to get support. You can review our quality and reliable container transportation services on our website. 

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